Monday, July 7, 2008

LMDA Review Article of In the Belly of the Beast...

So one of the things I worked on this past weekend, other than my Drama Guild report and rewriting The Albatross, was putting the final touches on the article about the work I did as a dramaturg on the devised show In the Belly of the Beast with Two Backs, an adaptation of Othello set in Storyville, New Orleans during the turn of the century. I presented on the ATHE Debut Dramaturg panel last summer (and got have a fun trip to NOLA and enjoy the conference, yippee!).

Oh, LMDA stands for Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of America. The answer to that follow-up question "What's a dramaturg" will be answered at a later time...

When it gets officially published, I'll post some excerpts of the article here...although I must warn you it is quite academic and dry...

But I love this picture from the show.

(Photo courtesy of Patty Melamed who is an awesome photographer, by the way).

It's Rachel Scott as Aemilia and Alex Smith as Iago. Oooh, can you feel the dramatic tension, the conflict...Acting! Genius!!!

Actually, I just think they look so I totally would not want to mess with them in a dark alley, whether its Storyville or not...

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